3 Common Diabetic Foot Problems

3 Common Diabetic Foot Problems

If you've recently been diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes, you're not alone. The American Association of Diabetes Educators 4.1 million adults 33.9% of the adult U.S population have prediabetes. If you're struggling with managing your blood sugar, however, there are a few things you need to keep in mind regarding your overall health. Be on the lookout for these common diabetic foot problems and their common symptoms.

Diabetic Neuropathy

If not properly managed and controlled, diabetes has the potential to cause damage to your nervous system. This means that you might only have partial sensation in your foot, or you may lose sensation in your feet altogether. Sometimes, this can also limit your ability to move your feet, depending on how severe the nerve damage is. This condition can be limiting and dangerous on its own, but also makes it harder to identify when you're experiencing other types of foot pain that could potentially be serious. If you find yourself losing sensation or mobility in your feet, talk to a diabetic foot care specialist as soon as possible so you can find a solution to limit nerve damage.

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Improperly managed diabetes can also lead to problems with blood flow, particularly in the feet. These diabetic foot problems can impact your body's natural ability to heal from cuts, scrapes, or bruises on the feet, while also increasing the likelihood of serious infection. Signs that you're suffering from peripheral vascular disease can include problems healing from cuts or scrapes, as well as other circulatory issues. If you're worried about developing this, talk with your doctor as soon as possible.

Miscellaneous Foot Health Problems

While diabetes mainly causes the previous two health problems, it can also make unrelated foot health problems more of a serious concern. Diabetes and prediabetes, combined with the conditions above, can make recovering from injury or infection more difficult. This means issues like ulcers, warts, fungal infections, and even callouses are more serious in people with diabetes and prediabetes. Keeping track of your foot health if you're struggling with managing your diabetes is essential to catching serious problems early.

Diabetic foot problems can be serious if left untreated. For more information on symptoms to look for and foot care concerns, contact Dynamic Foot and Ankle Center today.


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