Beyond General Care


When you're dealing with pain or an illness that affects a single part of your body, your primary care physician might not have the advanced training or degrees necessary to provide the best care. Sometimes, certain conditions will require the care of a specialist in order for you to see the most effective treatment possible. If you're having issues with foot pain or general foot health, here are a few signs that you might want to see foot care specialists or podiatry specialists instead of just a general physician.

You Have A Pre-Existing Condition

If you know or suspect that your foot pain or foot health issues might be related to an existing diagnosis, it may be worth visiting a foot and ankle specialist. For example, about 10% of the population is affected by Plantar Fasciitis. This may cause regular foot pain, particularly in the morning and near the heel. If you're already aware that you struggle with this condition, a specialist may be able to help you by providing more specific care targeting that area.

You Have Complex Symptoms

Not all foot pain or foot health issues are the same, and some issues compound over time or can be affected by other existing conditions. The more complicated your foot health symptoms are, the more likely it is you'll end up needing to see a foot care specialist. A specialist will be better equipped to handle multiple foot and ankle health conditions at the same time, while also figuring out which symptoms are caused by particular issues or diagnoses. This is due to licensed podiatrists having completed four years of training at a school for podiatry before then completing their three-year hospital residency training. Their practice revolves around feet and ankles, not general medicine like primary care physicians.

You've Seen Your Primary Care Doctor Already

For many people seeking a specialist, this step comes after having already visited one or more general physicians. While primary care physicians are equipped to handle a wider variety of conditions, they may not have as much experience treating foot-specific issues. If your primary care provider has provided treatment, but you've found that nothing has helped reduce your symptoms as of yet, you may want to schedule an appointment with a foot care specialist or ask for a referral from your primary care provider.

Treating foot pain and ankle issues can sometimes be a struggle, but with the right foot care specialist, pain relief and healthy living aren't far out of reach. For more information or to find a foot doctor near you, contact Dynamic Foot and Ankle today.


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