Diabetes And Podiatry: What's The Connection?

Diabetes And Podiatry: What's The Connection?

According to the American Association of Diabetes Educators, there was a reported 30.3 million people living with diabetes at the end of 2017. Millions of people suffer on a regular basis from diabetes and related conditions, and not all of the effects of diabetes are readily understood. Here are a few reasons that you should consider visiting a foot and ankle center if you've struggled previously with diabetes.

Later Onset Issues

If you did not receive a diabetes diagnosis until later in life, it's likely any existing foot health problems related to your diabetes have had longer to develop. Visiting a diabetic foot care specialist can help you identify issues that you may not have previously known were related to your diabetes. Even if they're not severe, identifying diabetes-related foot problems early can help you access treatment you need.

Diabetes Management

When diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, is not properly managed, patients can develop a variety of foot health complications. This foot pain is just one symptom of mismanaged diabetes, but can be incredibly serious if left unaddressed. Visiting a foot and ankle center can help you address your current foot pain and other diabetic foot problems, while also helping you develop a plan to manage your diabetes in the future.

Care For Concurrent Conditions

Many regular podiatrists are able to treat diabetic foot problems, but also treat a variety of other foot and ankle conditions as well. It's worth contacting a diabetic foot specialist if possible; these doctors are trained specifically to handle your existing foot and ankle pain with your diabetes in mind. Concurrent conditions can sometimes cause problems when finding appropriate treatment, and finding a foot and ankle center that specializes in diabetic care can help you get the treatment you need.

Finding a good podiatrist is a smart step to take if you've been struggling with managing your diabetes. Diabetes can cause you to be predisposed to certain foot and ankle conditions if left unmanaged, making podiatry an important part of your health care plan.

Looking for a foot and ankle center or a podiatrist near you? Contact Dynamic Foot and Ankle for more information on diabetic foot care and to schedule an appointment today.


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