May 2024 Podiatry Newsletter Tips for Preventing Sports Injuries in Your Lower Limbs

May 2024 Podiatry Newsletter Tips for Preventing Sports Injuries in Your Lower Limbs

7 Tips for Preventing Sports Injuries in Your Lower Limbs

While some people play sports all year, there is typically a spike in physical activity during the warmer months. Unfortunately, this leads to a spike in sports injuries. The good news is you can significantly lower your risk of such an injury with the following tips.

1. Warm-Up and Stretch

No matter what physical activity you’re preparing for, stretching your muscles and getting the blood flowing is crucial. If you’re like most people, you’re eager to jump into your training or sport, but doing so can lead to injuries that keep you benched. Instead, take 10 minutes to stretch your legs and feet, walk around, or jog in place.

2. Condition Your Body

In addition to jumping straight into a workout or practice without warming up, many people try to push themselves too hard and too fast. For example, someone decides to run five miles on day one even if they don’t normally run. Or someone who wants to improve their performance might double their workout in a day.

Decisions like these can backfire significantly. Your muscles, joints, and other soft tissues need time to adapt to your expectations. Aim, instead, to condition them progressively by increasing your workout in smaller increments.

3. Don’t Forget Your Water

Water is an essential element for your muscles. If you aren’t drinking enough, muscles become tenser, which significantly increases your likelihood of strains, cramps, bone fractures, and more.

4. Use the Right Gear

People who play sports such as football know the importance of pads and helmets. However, not everyone prioritizes – or even thinks about – protection for their lower limbs.

Protecting your feet and lower legs properly begins with wearing the right shoes for your sport. They should also fit your feet well, meaning they should not be too large or too tight.

Additionally, they should have the best arch support for your feet. It can be highly beneficial to have custom orthotics made for this purpose. Also, replace your shoes and orthotics as soon as they show signs of wear.

Though your shoes are a vital part of protection, you might need some additional support. Your podiatrist can help determine if a brace, tape, or other device is necessary.

5. Cool It Down

Cooling down after your workout, training, or competition is just as important as warming up. Not only does it help regulate your blood pressure and breathing, but it can also aid in injury prevention.

When you work your muscles, lactic acid builds up. Doing a slower-paced walk and stretching helps the body remove this acid more quickly and relieve tension.

6. Listen to Your Body

We have grown accustomed to “pushing through the pain,” whether that pain is physical, emotional, or mental. Many of us heard things like, “Walk it off,” as kids and took that mindset into adulthood.

While resilience is a wonderful attribute, ignoring your body can have severe repercussions. Pain, fatigue, and other symptoms are the body signaling that something isn’t right. If you ignore it, you could find yourself out of commission in life and your sport.

Always pay attention to the signals your body is sending. If something hurts, rest and have it checked out. Don’t play through the pain. Also, if you’re fatigued, it’s time to rest. Fatigue often leads to injuries, and it's important to give your body time to recover.

7. Work with a Podiatry Expert

The tips above are highly effective preventative measures but should not replace professional care. Working with a podiatrist can help detect and correct issues you might not be aware of, provide personalized recommendations, and more to keep you injury-free and on your feet.


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