What Could Be Causing Your Ankle Pain?

As many as 75% of Americans will experience foot health problems of varying degrees of severity at one time or another in their lives. However, what people might not always know is their ordinary ankle pain might require medical assistance to properly heal. Ankle health issues aren't always addressed by general foot paint treatments, unless you’re consulting a podiatrist. Here are a few of the most common causes of ankle pain; if any of these issues sound familiar, you might want to seek out ankle pain treatment.

Joint Issues and Arthritis

If your ankle pain is a chronic issue, it's likely that your joints are at least partially to blame. Many long-term joint conditions, such as arthritis, can eventually impact the ankles. This could potentially be a cause of your ankle pain if you also experience joint pain elsewhere, such as in your knees or wrists. Certain ankle pain treatments will be able to help manage your long-term discomfort, so talk to your ankle specialist about what options are available to you.

Achilles Tendon Issues

If you're an athlete or you live a more active lifestyle, your Achilles Tendon could be involved in your ankle pain. Injuring this tendon can cause difficulty walking, as well as ankle pain and foot problems, particularly in individuals who put too much strain on this area of the body. Additionally, the Achilles Tendon can suffer acute injuries after trauma, possibly even tearing. These take time to heal properly, and an ankle specialist will be able to help you manage your ankle pain and treatment.

Sprained Ankles and Injuries

Feet and ankles can be surprisingly easy to injure with a misplaced step or when pressure is applied in the wrong way. Rolling or spraining your ankle is fairly common but to help ensure your ankle heals correctly you should consult a foot and ankle specialist. Improper healing can lead to longer term pain, so it's best to seek professional help when healing.

Ankle pain is surprisingly widespread, but that doesn't mean you have to be stuck with your discomfort. Contacting the right specialist can help you get the ankle pain treatment you need to live and move comfortably. For more information or to work with an ankle specialist, contact Dynamic Foot and Ankle Center today.


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